I've been working on a new book, as well as the other two I still have in the works. The new one is a non-fiction, which seems to come a lot easier to me than fiction. I don't know why. I can write fiction okay, but all of my ideas and such come flooding out at such a pace that I can't seem to keep up sometimes. And we certainly can't have simultaneous action scenes going on so that they get mixed up now, can we?
So, Maters, Taters & Grits seems to be doing okay as far as sales. Of course, they could be better, but as long as it's moving at all, I'm good! And Rhymes from Darker Times, well, it' still too early to tell. I hope it does well. :) I have had a lot of positive feedback from local folk on both of them. I will be at a local show called Bow Wow Meow Festival in August. I'll have both books on hand and will be signing them! So, if'n ya take a notion, and you're in the area, stop by and pick up a copy! I'd love to chat with ya a minute!
Remember, you can check out either book on Amazon! And the simplest way to find any of my work is here.
Here's hoping all of y'all have a fantastic weekend! Keep that positive attitude, and keep smiling!