Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Traditions

Greetings from Podunkville again, my friends. Here it is almost Christmas. As we prepare to get ready to have family and friends over, or travel to be with them, or just sit in our comfy chair watching old movies until it's over, there is one thing we all seem to do, whether we realize it or not. Reminisce. Yes, we tend to think back to our childhood and reminisce about waking up on Christmas morning and doing whatever family tradition it was that we did back then. Sometimes we carry that over to our children. But as times change, sometimes we make new traditions. 

Our family has grown a lot in the last few years, as I now have (almost) four grandkids. Well, my house seems to be home base. We always start Christmas morning here, then the kids seem to go about their day with their in-laws and so forth. So we have started a breakfast tradition. We always have a huge spread for breakfast n Christmas morning. Eggs, grits, bacon, sausage, pancakes, french toast, biscuits, juice, coffee. 

Then we always have a ham later that day, spread out on the kitchen table with bread, chips, dip, baked beans, cheese, and other little fixins. So as the kids make their way back home, they can stop back by our house for a sandwich or two before they go home. It seems to work out good. And I really enjoy having the kids around. 

So here's hoping you and your family have a very Merry Christmas. Stay safe, don't eat too much, and remember- there are now Ugly Christmas Sweater parties so when you get one, be happy- you'll have something to wear when you are invited to one!!!!  

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