Hey everyone! It has definitely been a while. I have been so busy lately with my latest adventure. We started fostering dogs! Yep, from our local animal shelter. A rescue group steps in and declares commitment, then they need a foster home to place the dog in until they can arrange for pickup or until that furbaby has found it's furever home. That's where we come in. Sometimes it's a week, and sometimes it's a month. These dogs come in all shapes and sizes, breeds, colors, and temperaments, too. We've had some sweet ones, silly ones, crazy ones, and some that we absolutely hate to part with. We've had a deaf one and a pregnant one. It has definitely been an adventure, but we love every minute. Being able to save these babies and give them a chance at a real life makes every moment worth it. The sad part is, a large percentage of these babies are owner surrenders. Now, I understand in some situations giving up your beloved pet is a hard, but necessary, decision. But most reasons they give are, "he won't stop peeing in the house" or "he barks too much" or "she jumps up on people" or "she just won't listen". Well, these are behavior issues. These can be worked on, fixed. That is an unacceptable reason to dump your furbaby at the shelter and just walk away like he/she is just a movie you rented for the night. A lot of these animals are affected by that "drop-off" for a long time, too. They sit with their back to the door, don't eat or drink, they get depressed. The only life they have ever known is gone. Their comfy bed is now a cold, hard floor. Their familiar faces are gone forever.
That's why I do what I do. Because so many never make it out of those cold, dark shelters. Which brings me to my next point. It could all be brought under much better control if we SPAY & NEUTER! There are countless cats and dogs that get euthanized every year because they continue to run the streets and breed over and over. Then they end up in shelters and ultimately, euthed. We need to end this vicious cycle. Most shelters are run by mostly volunteers, too. So, if you find you have a little extra time, and a lot of extra love, please consider donating your time to your local shelter. A lot of times, they just need someone to come in and love on the babies, or give walks, or help clean. Every little bit helps. And any love you can give to the babies in there will make them feel wonderful!
As you can tell, I have a huge heart when it comes to animals. I love them all- cats, dogs, bunnies, etc. :)
Anyway, I've rambled on enough...hope everyone has been doing well. Y'all take care and I'll holler at ya soon!
Hey. Barbie Sue just finished downloading and reading both of your books on Amazon. Good stuff.